Every Donation Counts

By donating to Texas Brigades, you support our fundamental vision of “Conservation Leaders in Every Community”.

Donate Today.

Each camp, experience, and development program dives deep into its specific theme, and all focus on educating adolescents about conservation and natural resource issues while connecting them with those resources and to those networks. Through those connections and activities, participants gain a conservation understanding and build confidence in sharing their experience with others in their peer, student, and community groups.

Your contribution supports the year-round efforts of staff and volunteers who mentor cadets throughout their ambassador efforts and assist with conservation connections for young, motivated participants.

We ask you to help us keep these tremendous opportunities available to young and future generations. Texas Brigades assists youth in discovering their “voice” and gives them a deeper confidence to share it in the world. Please help us secure this for Texas youth by donating now.

Make a Program or Camp Payment.

Texas Brigades is a youth-focused, multi-programmed organization dedicated to developing ambassadors for wildlife and natural resource conservation.  

Texas Brigades is a non-profit organization that is funded by foundational grants and support, along with many generous donors. Camp & program payments off-set direct program expenses such as as lodging, meals, and materials. You may make a program payment by indicating your camp and name in the donation designation box above.  You may also make payments by sending a check to the Texas Brigades office in New Braunfels.