Waterfowl Brigade

If sounds of whistling wings from the great fall flight entice your senses, then the Waterfowl Brigade is for you! The intense, five-day camp centers on the ecology of ducks and other water-birds that fly around Texas. The Waterfowl Brigade motivates youth (ages 13-17) to become conservation ambassadors by learning the necessary skills to become the leaders of tomorrow. All you need is a love for hunting, nature, and/or the outdoors and a willingness to learn.


During the camp, participants will study aquatic vegetation, the importance of wetland ecosystems, waterfowl biology and flock dynamics, land and water stewardship, natural resource management, and how to identify waterfowl using all your senses. Becoming a conservation advocate is also accomplished with lessons on life-skills, such as working as a team, improved public speaking and communication, and leadership. There are also activities involving photography, journaling, and painting. Hunting skills, safety, and ethics are also covered. Come join us in our outdoor classroom nested in the wetlands and flooded timber of the Big Woods on the Trinity!

  • Youth ages 13-17 (applicants can be 18 if they’re an incoming HS Senior)

  • participants will study aquatic vegetation, the importance of wetland ecosystems, waterfowl biology and flock dynamics, land and water stewardship, natural resource management, and how to identify waterfowl using all your senses.

  • July 9-13, 2025

  • Garwood, TX


Waterfowl Brigade

July 9-13, 2025

Garwood, Texas